
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Waruni Kanchana new photosWaruni Kanchana hot Waruni Kanchana sri lankan actress waruni new photos,It means bloggers with more than 3,000 daily readers must register with the mass media regulator, Roskomnadzor, and conform to the regulations that govern the country's larger media outlets.Internet companies will also be required to allow Russian authorities access to users' information.One human rights group called the move "draconian".Continue reading the main storyStart QuoteThe internet is the last island of free expression in Russia” Hugh Williamson, Human Rights WatchThe law was approved by Russia's upper house of parliament in April.It includes measures to ensure that bloggers cannot remain anonymous, and states that social networks must maintain six months of data on its users.The information must be stored on servers based in Russian territory, so that government authorities can gain access
